- Pistikopoulos, E. N., Tian, Y. (2022) Synthesis and Operability Strategies for Computer-Aided Modular Process Intensification, Elsevier.
Book Chapters
- Tian, Y., Bindlish, R., Pistikopoulos, E. N. Integrated Design and Operability Optimization of Sustainable Process Intensification Systems. Optimization of Sustainable Process Systems: Multiscale Models and Uncertainties. Under Review.
- Dantas, B., Braniff, A., Akundi, S. S., Liu, Y., Niknezhad, S. S., Khan, F., Pistikopoulos, E. N., Lima, F., Tian, Y. (2024) An Operability-based Approach for Integrated Process Design, Operations, and Risk Management. MCPS Vol 8: Method of Process Systems in Energy Systems, Chapter 4, 115-131.
- Liu, Y., Akundi, S. S., Braniff, A., Dantas, B., Tian, Y., Niknezhad, S. S., Khan, F., Pistikopoulos, E. N. (2024) Cyber-Physical Systems in Chemical and Energy Processes: Concepts, Applications, and Methodology Framework. MCPS Vol 8: Method of Process Systems in Energy Systems, Chapter 7, 215-241.
- Akundi, S. S., Braniff, A., Dantas, B., Liu, Y., Tian, Y., Niknezhad, S. S., Khan, F., Pistikopoulos, E. N. (2024) Model Predictive Control for enhanced safety andefficiency of process and energy systems. MCPS Vol 8: Method of Process Systems in Energy Systems, Chapter 8, 243-260.
Journal Articles
Ball, M. R., Sanyal, O., Tian, Y. Advancing Junior Chemical Process Design Education via Combined Course Projects. Under Review.
Dantas, B., Braniff, A., Nascimento, C. A., Malencia, T., Lima, F. V., Tian, Y. Risk-based Process Design and Operations through an Operability Approach. Under Review.
Braniff, A., Akundi, S. S., Liu, Y., Dantas, B., Niknezhad, S. S., Khan, F., Pistikopoulos, E. N., Tian, Y. Real-Time Process Safety and Systems Decision-Making Toward Safe and Smart Chemical Manufacturing. Digital Chemical Engineering. Under Review.
Lima, F. V., Tian, Y., Durand, H. E., Paulson, J. A., Biegler, L. T. Innovations in Chemical Process Control: Challenges and Opportunities. Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering. Under Review.
Masud, M. A. A., Araia, A., Wang, Y., Hu, J., Tian, Y. (2025) Machine Learning-Aided Process Design Using Limited Experimental Data: A Microwave-Assisted Ammonia Synthesis Case Study. AIChE Journal, e18621. (Invited Futures Issue)
Wang, W., Zhang, H., Wang, Y., Tian, Y., Wu, Z. (2024) Fast Explicit Machine Learning-Based Model Predictive Control of Nonlinear Processes Using Input Convex Neural Networks. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 63(40), 17279-17293.
Ji, C., Dai, J., Zhai, C., Wang, J., Tian, Y., Sun, W. (2024) A Review on Lithium-ion Batteries Modelling: From Mechanism-Based andData-Driven Perspectives. Processes, 12(9), 187. (Invited Review Paper)
Braniff, A., Tian, Y. (2024) A Hierarchical Multi-Parametric Programming Approach for Dynamic Risk-based Model Predictive Quality Control. Control Engineering Practice, 152, 106062. (Invited Special Issue: Advances in Control Techniques for Chemical Process Applications)
Arunthavanathan, R., Sajid, Z., Amin, M. T., Tian, Y., Khan, F., & Pistikopoulos, E. N. (2024) Process Safety 4.0: Artificial Intelligence or Intelligence Augmentation for Safer Process Operation? AIChE Journal. e18475. (Cover feature)
Wang, W., Wang, Y., Tian, Y., & Wu, Z. (2024) Explicit Machine Learning-Based Model Predictive Control of Nonlinear Processes via Multi-Parametric Programming. Computers & Chemical Engineering. Vol. 186: 108689.
Pistikopoulos, E. N., & Tian, Y. (2024) Advanced Modeling and Optimization Strategies for Process Synthesis. Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. Vol. 15: 10.1–10.23. (Invited Review Paper)
Ang, T., Tsai, C-Y., Adi, V. S. K., Tian, Y., Kong, Z. Y., & Sunarso, J. (2023). Toward a flexible design for the bioethanol dehydration using extractive distillation. Part II: Control validation. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2023, 62, 51, 22058-22070.
Kong, Z. Y., Tsai, Y-T., Tian, Y., Sunarso, J., & Adi, V. S. K. (2023). Inherent flexibility design strategy of extractive distillation for binary azeotropic separation: Novel multi-objective approach with penalty values. Separation and Purification Technology, 124705.
Ali, M., Cai, X., Khan, F., Pistikopoulos, E. N., & Tian, Y. (2023). Dynamic Risk-based Process Design and Operational Optimization via Multi-Parametric Programming, Digital Chemical Engineering, 100096. (Invited Special Issue: Autonomy, Safety, and Security for Cyber-Physical Systems in the Process Industries)
- Tian, Y., Meduri, V., Bindlish, R., & Pistikopoulos, E. N. (2022). A Process Intensification synthesis framework for the design of dividing wall column systems, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 160, 107679. 1. (Invited Special Issue: In Honor of Prof. George Stephanopoulos)
- Tian, Y., Pistikopoulos, E. N. A process intensification synthesis framework for the design of extractive separation systems with material selection, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing and Processing, e10097, 2021. (Invited Special Issue: Advancing U.S. Manufacturing: A Focus on the AIChE RAPID Manufacturing Institute for Process Intensification and Modularization)
- Pistikopoulos, E. N., Tian, Y., Bindlish, R. Operability and Control in Process Intensification and Modular Design: Challenges and Opportunities, AIChE Journal, e17204, 2021.
- Tian, Y., Pappas, I., Burnak, B., Katz, J., Pistikopoulos, E. N. Simultaneous Design & Control of a Reactive Distillation System – A Parametric Optimization & Control Approach, Chemical Engineering Science, 230, 116232, 2021.
- Tian, Y., Pistikopoulos, E. N. Towards an Envelope of Design Solutions for Combined/Intensified Reaction/Separation Systems , Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 59(24), 11350–11354, 2020.
- Tian, Y., Pappas, I., Burnak, B., Katz, J., Pistikopoulos, E. N. A Systematic Framework for Synthesis of Operable Process Intensification Systems – Reactive Separation, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 134, 106675, 2020. (Invited Special Issue: 29th European Symposium of Computer Aided Process Engineering)
- Avraamidou, S., Baratsas, S., Tian, Y., Pistikopoulos, E. N. Circular Economy – A Challenge and an Opportunity for Process Systems Engineering, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 133, 106629, 2020. (Invited Special Issue: In Honor of Prof. Roger H. W. Sargent)
- Tian, Y., Pistikopoulos, E. N. Synthesis of Operable Process Intensification Systems – Steady-State Design with Safety and Operability Considerations, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 58(15), 6049-6068, 2019. (Invited Special Issue: Frameworks for Process Intensification and Modularization)
- Tian, Y., Pistikopoulos, E. N. Synthesis of Operable Process Intensification Systems: Advances and Challenges, Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, 25, 101-107, 2019. (Invited Special Issue: Process Systems Engineering: process intensification)
- Tian, Y., Demirel, S. E., Hasan, M. M. F., Pistikopoulos, E. N. An Overview of Process Systems Engineering Approaches for Process Intensification: State of the Art, Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 133, 160-210, 2018. (Invited Review Article)
- Niziolek, A. M., Onel, O., Tian, Y., Floudas, C. A., Pistikopoulos, E. N. Municipal Solid Waste to Liquid Transportation Fuels – Part III: An Optimization-Based Nationwide Supply Chain Management Framework, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 116, 468-487, 2018. (Invited Special Issue: Multi-scale Systems Engineering – in memory & honor of Professor C.A. Floudas)
Conference Proceedings
Braniff, A., You, F., Tian, Y. Enhanced Reinforcement Learning-driven Process Design via Quantum Machine Learning. 35th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE-35). Under Review.
Dantas, B., Akundi, S. S., Liu, Y., Braniff, A., Niknezhad, S. S., Khan, F., Pistikopoulos, E. N., Lima, F., Tian, Y. Model-based Operability and Safety Optimization for PEM Water Electrolysis. 35th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE-35). Under Review.
Akundi, S. S., Liu, Y., Dantas, B., Braniff, A., Niknezhad, S. S., Khan, F., Tian, Y., Pistikopoulos, E. N. Integrating Dynamic Risk Assessment with Explicit Model Predictive Control via Chance-Constrained Programming. 35th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE-35). Under Review.
Masud, M., Araia, A., Wang, Y., Hu, J., Tian, Y. Machine Learning-Aided Process Design for Microwave-Assisted Ammonia Production. Foundations of Computer Aided Process Design (FOCAPD) Conference 2024. DOI:
Tian, Y., Akintola, A., Jiang, Y., Wang, D., Bao, J., Zamarripa, M. A., Paul, B., Chen, Y., Gao, P., Noring, A., Iyengar, A., Liu, A., Marina, O., Koeppel, B., Xu, Z. Reinforcement Learning-Driven Process Design: A Hydrodealkylation Example. Foundations of Computer Aided Process Design (FOCAPD) Conference 2024. DOI:
Ball, M., Sanyal, O., Tian, Y. Integration of Process Design and Intensification Learning Via Combined Junior Course Project. Foundations of Computer Aided Process Design (FOCAPD) Conference 2024. DOI:
Braniff, A., Akundi, S. S., Liu, Y., Khan, F., Pistikopoulos, E. N., & Tian, Y. (2024). A Real-Time Risk-Based Optimization Framework for Safe and Smart Operations. In Computer Aided Chemical Engineering (Vol. 53, pp. 1915-1920). Elsevier.
Braniff, A., Tian, Y. Dynamic Risk-based Model Predictive Quality Control with Online Model Updating. Accepted. American Control Conference 2024.
Tian, Y., Akintola, A., Akoh, B. A Process Design, Intensification, and Modularization Approach for Membrane-Assisted Reaction Systems. 33rd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE-33).
Ali, M., Tian, Y., Kenefake, D., De S., van Bavel, A. P., Pappas, I., Demirhan, C. D., Pistikopoulos, E. N. Process Design and Intensification of Circulating Catalytic Fluidized Bed Membrane Reactor for Oxidative Coupling of Methane. 33rd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE-33).
Moustafa, A., Cai, X., Khan, F., Tian, Y. Dynamic Risk-based Design and Explicit Model Predictive Control via Multi-Parametric Programming. FOCAPO/CPC 2023, January 2023.
Vedant, S., Atencio, M. R., Tian, Y., Meduri, V., Pistikopoulos, E. N. Towards a Software Prototype for Synthesis of Operable Process Intensification Systems. 31st European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE-31), June 2021. In Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 50, 767-772. Elsevier.
Tian, Y., Pistikopoulos, E. N. Operability and Safety Considerations in Process Intensification. 21st International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) World Congress, July 2020. In IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53(2), 11434-11439.
Tian, Y., Pistikopoulos, E. N. Generalized Modular Representation Framework for the Synthesis of Extractive Separation Systems. Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Design (FOCAPD 2019), July 2019, Copper Mountain, Colorado. In Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 7, 475-480. Elsevier.
Tian, Y., Pappas, I. S., Burnak, B., Katz, J., Avraamidou, S., Diangelakis, N. A., Pistikopoulos, E. N. Towards a Systematic Framework for the Synthesis of Operable Process Intensification Systems – Application to Reactive Distillation Systems. 29th European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE-29), June 2019, Eindhoven, Neitherlands. In Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 46, 73-78. Elsevier.
Tian, Y., Mannan, M. S., Pistikopoulos, E. N. Towards a Systematic Framework for the Synthesis of Operable Process Intensification Systems. 13th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering (PSE 2018), July 2018, San Diego, California. In Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 44, 2383-2388. Elsevier.
Tian, Y., Mannan, M. S., Kravanja, Z., Pistikopoulos, E. N. Towards the Synthesis of Process Intensification Systems with Safety and Operability Considerations – Application to Heat Exchanger Network. 28th European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE-28), June 2018, Graz, Austria. In Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 43, 705-710. Elsevier.